Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monster Island

Monster Island was freakin awesome, theres some really amazing imagery, if you read it carefully, I think if they made a really accurate movie, it would sell pretty well. I really enjoyed it, even though I didn't finish all the parts, but will do when I have time. It was a hard read for me, could be because it wasn't a conventional novel, and in the format of a blog. the Gothic elements are almost screaming at you, in all aspects of the book, even from the start when there on that boat, or when they arrive at the ruined city of New York. It definitely beats most zombie movies. Also its interesting that all the people that are civilized or lived in modern cities has become a victim of the zombie epidemic, and people that live in 3rd world countries or in harsh environments. are surviving pretty well, since they've been fighting all their life, and are use to really harsh conditions. The first part of the story was like any typical zombie setting, which I thought was a reasonable beginning to the story. The next part I did not expect, which was the turning point of being quite interesting, because its about a guy in the medical field that realizes why zombies are stupid,  and its because when they die the lack of oxygen leaves them unable to use it once the transformation takes place, so he somehow using medical equipment, preserves his brain so when he dies and is in the transformation state, he still remembers everything, and is basically a really smart zombie. all in all Monster Island is pretty awesome. and if Ringling because infested with zombies this is what it would look like:

this was done for Zombie War poster, which is an on campus event every year, during halloween. part of the Outdoor Recreation and wellness activities. essentially its a water balloon fight, where the humans have to beat the zombies with water balloons, or simply survive, but the zombies win every time.  

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