Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Anansi Boys

Anansi boys was a really weird book to read, the characters I didn't quite understand. Were they human or not, fat charlie and his brother the spider. What was the purpose of the author naming the characters such names, my understanding of the character fat charlie having a normal life style until his father dies, and then soon after he learns that he has a brother that comes into his life, and tries to take is soon to be wife away from him. What was the point of all of this. in my experience it was really odd, well written, but my question is, why would you write something like that. I mean really! does he not have a life, that he has to be writting absurd novels like the Anansi boys. I think I will stick to comics may be its because there not as imaginative and because I like dull normal things and not weird books like the Anansi boys, I might read his sandman comic, I hear its actually good. theres not much I can say about the book other than the fact that I did not enjoy the boring adventures of Fat Charlie going about trying to put his life back together and don't even get me started on the superpower Charlie had, one of the stupidest things I've ever read. I protest that this book not be in the readings for next semester or when ever you decide to change your reading list.

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