Wednesday, April 27, 2011

War Breaker

War Breaker surprisingly was one of the few books that I enjoyed in the beginning all up to the part when the eldest daughter goes to the council of the gods or whatever to find her young sister married to the god king, dressed up and put on display. after that point for some reason my interest to finish the novel declined, and I never questioned what happened. Although my friend explained to me in brief the ending of the novel and my answer to it was... "huh" it was interesting, but really the idea of breaths, could have been made into a really cool concept but it went terribly gay with all the colors and stuff. I think the over imaginative imagery trying to explain the scenes is what killed it for me. I really stopped liking that book after the class discussion. honestly its really hard for me to read threw an entire book and tell you that it was good. I have a very biased point of view on fictional novels, I just don't like them, no matter how well there written, or how compelling the story might be, there is no piece of fiction I can say is a good read, and War breaker is just like all the other piece of fictional works, (queer). this is just my opinion/observation. 

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